Thursday, December 13, 2012

Two Posts....

Two posts ago I was saying "shame on me" for not posting and look at me now, not being faithful to posting. I recently have had an inspiration from a mom, blogger, photographer, friend, and sweetheart that I wish I could be more like. She in my eyes is super mom, full of energy and spunk, I simply adore her. She told me "just tell it like it is." So here I am deciding that I am going to try, try harder to tell our story and use this blog as a scrap book for my family and friends. Tonight starts my fourth to last class of my Bachelors degree in Business Management, yes, a BSBM LOL laugh about it now but I am thrilled to be finally done. Everyone is asking, will you get your masters? My answer - it took me 7 years (in May of 2013) to finish my Bachelors, why would I go back for more? But I just might, we'll see, I'd first like to get a job that I love, something that I enjoy. I've always wanted to be my own boss and in a lot of aspects, I am. I am also a slave to "the man" - I have to have insurance so I have to have to work for a corporation in order to get insurance. I wish healthcare wasn't so expensive. One day I will make enough money to not have to work for health insurance, I will be able to pay for all our needs. I am making a "try" to myself to write more because those who know me knows I have a lot to say........