Sunday, June 14, 2009

15 days and counting down....

It's official, the date has been set. June 29th we will be welcoming Jewellee into this crazy world via c-section. With the diagnosis of gestation diabetes and other reasons (medically my body will not allow for the baby to come out any other way in which I will spare you the details) my Dr and I have decided that a c-section would be best for myself and Jewellee. I couldn't be more excited to finally meet her, however am scared out of my mind. I have never had surgery or any major procedure so this is something totally unfamiliar and frightening. I know it will be worth it but I am terrified! I have a lot of support from family and friends. Thank God, my mother is taking 3 weeks off work to help me, we live in a two story home and after I am released from the hospital and get up the two flights of stairs in our home I am not going to be able to go up and down for a while so she is coming to stay with us to help out, in which I am super greatful! SO, as these final weeks pass please keep Jewellee and I in your prayers, it would be very much appreciated!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

35 Weeks and Counting!

Afternoon all! So much as happened the past couple of weeks! I've had two baby showers and at least 5 Dr appointments. Being I have gestational diabetes I have 2 NST's a week on top of a Dr appointment a week and a meeting at the Diabetes Center at the hospital every week. NST's are non stress tests, I get hooked up to two monitors, one to monitor the babies heartbeat and movement and then one to monitor my uterus; just to make sure the baby isn't under any stress. The Dr wants to make sure I don't go into pre-clampsia( I hope I spelled that right, you know what I mean). So far the NST's have been fantastic, the baby moves around and is very active so I never have to do a full 30 minutes, I usually have to do about 10-15 minutes. Last week I had a sonogram to determine how big Jewellee is and so far she is 4.5 lbs, a lot smaller then what the Dr was expecting, which is good. If the baby gets big because of the diabetes then I will have to have a c-section because there will be too much stress on her shoulders to push. I'm excited! I will post pictures of both showers when I get them emailed to me so look forward to the fun! Thank you to everyone once again to came and for all your support! Ta ta for now!